How to remove negative review on your Google profile?
Negative Google reviews

Avis Local’s team
March 5, 2019
Are you one of those who doesn’t know how to handle negative REVIEWS on your Google My Business profile? Of those who dream above all to be able to make them disappear? Know that it is impossible to delete them directly. Google, and only Google, has the power to remove them only if their content is defamatory, uses vulgar language or incites hatred.
I have good news; we have developed Avis Local, an incredible platform that serves to increase the REVIEWS of your satisfied customers and improve your SEO. Imagine your business at the top of Google results with this simple and effective app!
Customer REVIEWS, negative or positive, are very important data that can help you improve your products and services. Positive feedback helps you reassure future buyers and therefore increase your sales. However, a bad, unjustified REVIEW can spoil your reputation on the net, so you lose valuable sales or contacts.
We observe that an unsatisfied customer makes a lot more noise than the satisfied! He tends to share his experience more easily than a satisfied customer. The satisfied customer does not have the reflex to leave a REVIEW because his satisfaction seems normal and logical to him. Unlike the dissatisfied customer who will remain resentful towards the company and will not hesitate to harm him in return, with the means at his disposal.
Google My Business offers a REVIEW moderation service, but a comment can not be deleted if it is not defamatory, insulting, using vulgar language or inciting hatred…
It is therefore impossible to delete a REVIEW that you do not like or a REVIEW where you do not agree with its contents. Companies are then forced to manage these difficulties alone with the limited means at their disposal.
The only way to minimize their impacts is to drown the fish, in other words, to dilute your few negative REVIEWS through hundreds of positive REVIEWS. To achieve this, we have developed a platform to help businesses get there.
Avis Local: the solution that changes everything!
“Avis Local” offers an automated service that allows you to generate Google REVIEW requests from your satisfied customers.
Positive REVIEWS will clean up your reputation to increase your star rating and propel you to the top of Google search results. Before, it took 20 years to build a reputation, now a few clicks are enough. The future REVIEWS of your satisfied customers will increase your visibility, but especially your ranking on Google.

In short, here is what to remember:
❌ It is impossible to delete a negative review by yourself
???? Only Google has the power to do it according to its rules
???? In general, it is the unhappy people who write negative opinions
???? The solution: to reap the most positive opinions possible with a very simple and effective solution.

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